深度报道手册 ex
Story-Based Inquiry: A comprehensive guide to investigative reporting, co-authored by Mark Hunter, Drew Sullivan, Pia Thosden, Rana Sabbagh and Luuk Sengers. This UNESCO-funded manual uses case studies to illustrate methods and skills, including research, writing, quality control, and dissemination. Read the book in:
- 英语 (PDF)
- 中文 (PDF)
- 阿拉伯语 | العربية (PDF)
- 法语 | Français (PDF)
- 俄语 | русский (PDF)
- 葡萄牙语 | Português (PDF)
- 西班牙语 | Español (PDF)
The Global Investigative Journalism Casebook: This casebook accompanies Story-Based Inquiry. Investigative articles with background on how the reporters researched and wrote the story.
Languages: English
The Investigative Journalism Manual: Published by the Forum for African Investigative Reporters (FAIR).
Languages: English, French, Portuguese
A Watchdog’s Guide to Investigative Reporting (PDF): Emphasizes reporting in Africa. This 2005 English-language Manual “provides examples of good practice and looks at the challenges of this discipline for those curious about pursuing investigative assignments.”
Languages: English
Raising Hell: A Citizen’s Guide to the Fine Art of Investigation (PDF): The Center for Investigative Reporting, the world’s first nonprofit investigative reporting center, offers this guide to train the general public on how to “investigate, uncover corruption and expose the weak spots of power.”
Languages: English
Guide to Investigative Journalism: This simple 2007 series by the Public Broadcasting Service in the U.S. takes the reporter through how to identify a story, conduct an investigative interview, locate and obtain documents, package your story and get it out to the public.
Languages: English
Cómo Investigar Temas Ambientales: A guide to investigating environmental issues in South America. (PDF)
Languages: Spanish
Investigative Online Search: This guide, published by the UK-based Centre for Investigative Journalism in 2011, discusses how to find information online and verify its veracity.
Languages: English
Follow the Money: A Digital Guide to Tracking Corruption: This free handbook is published by the International Center for Journalists.
Languages: English, Russian, Georgian
Manual for Arab Journalists on Freedom of Information and Investigative Reporting: A free, downloadable, 21-page handbook by Article 19, funded by the United Nations Development Programme.
Global Investigative Journalism: Strategies for Support, by David E. Kaplan: A survey and discussion of the global spread of investigative journalism, with tips on structure of investigative nonprofits and funding sources, plus a guide to groups worldwide. Published by the Center for International Media Assistance.
Languages: English
The Data Journalism Handbook is an international, collaborative effort involving dozens of data journalism experts. The free guide is available for download in English, French, Georgian, Russian, and Spanish.
Undercover Reporting is not a manual but an online database and resource center, which grew out of research for the book Undercover Reporting: The Truth About Deception. The site includes scores of examples going back more than 100 years.
The Investigative Reporter’s Handbook, 5th Edition, by Brant Houston and Investigative Reporters and Editors. The classic guide to muckraking published by IRE.
Languages: English
Digging Deeper: A Guide for Investigative Journalists in the Balkans: This guide published by BIRN, the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network, focuses on how to dig up records and data in the region. Author Sheila Coronel, director of Columbia University’s Stabile Center for Investigative Journalism, also offers tips and techniques on investigative reporting.
Languages: English, Macedonian.
Periodismo de Investigacion: by Gerardo Reyes
Languages: Spanish
Recherche in der Praxis: Informanten zum Reden bringen, Fakten hart machen, Missstande aufdecken, by Catherine Boss und Dominique Strebel
Languages: German
Computer-Assisted Reporting: A Comprehensive Primer: By Fred Vallance-Jones and David McKie
Languages: English
Computer-Assisted Reporting: A Practical Guide: the E-version by Brant Houston
Languages: English
Computer-Assisted Research: Information Strategies and Tools for Journalists: By Nora Paul and Kathleen A. Hansen
Languages: English
Mapping for Stories: A Computer-Assisted Reporting Guide, By Jennifer LaFleur and Andy Lehren
Languages: English
Precision Journalism: a Reporter’s Introduction to Social Science Methods, by Philip Meyer
Languages: English
Investigative Photography: Supporting a Story with Pictures, by CJ Clarke, Damien Spleeters, and Juliet Ferguson (Centre for Investigative Journalism, London).
Languages: English
Investigating Religion: An Investigative Reporter’s Guide, by Debra L. Mason and Amy B. White (Investigative Reporters and Editors).
Languages: English
Introduction to Investigative Reporting, by Brant Houston (Poynter News University). This self-directed online course costs US$14.95.
Languages: English
Dig Deep & Aim High: The International Center for Journalists published a guide on how to teach investigative techniques. The e-book is free but the process is a bit clunky.
Languages: English
Model Curricula for Journalism Education: A guide targeted at journalism faculty in developing countries and emerging democracies. Developed by UNESCO, the manual offers syllabi for 17 courses – including investigative reporting – that can be tailored to the needs of each country.
- English (PDF)
- French | Français (PDF)
- Spanish | Español (PDF)
- Russian | Pусский (PDF)
- Arabic | العربية (PDF)
- Chinese | 中国的 (PDF)
- Nepali (PDF)
- Portuguese | Português (PDF)
- Farsi | فارسی (PDF)
Who’s Running the Company: A Guide to Reporting on Corporate Governance: An introduction to reporting on corporate governance, with sections on boards of directors, financial reports, and tracking company performance. Produced by the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation with the International Center for Journalists.
- English (PDF)
- French | Français (PDF)
- Bahasa Indonesia (PDF)
- Mongolian | МОНГОЛ ХЭЛ (PDF)
The Journalist Survival Guide: Produced by the Beirut-based Samir Kassir Foundation, this animated guide is designed to primarily aid journalists and activists working in war zones and conflict areas, but also includes tips on digital security and covering your tracks.
Métodos de la Impertinencia (Methods of Impertinence): The Venezuelan chapter of the Press and Society Institute (IPYS) released a collection of best practices and lessons for investigative journalism in Latin America. The book combines testimonies from 10 prominent journalists from the region.