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报道指南 章节 资源中心
报道指南 章节 资源中心
报道指南 章节 资源中心
- Revealed: US-linked Anti-Abortion Centers ‘Lie’ and ‘Scare Women’ Across Latin America(揭秘:与美国有联系的反堕胎中心在拉丁美洲“编造谎言”和“吓唬女性”) (openDemocracy)
- From #MeToo to Going Undercover: Tips from Women Investigators(从#MeToo到卧底:来自女性调查记者的分享) (GIJN 网络研讨会)
- Dressing the Resistance: Indigenous Women Facing Patriarchal Violence(服装反抗:面对父权制暴力的原住民妇女) (ZonaDocs,西班牙语)
- Matriarchs Project: Stories of Powerful Mexican Women (母权项目:来自墨西哥女性的故事) (Proceso,西班牙语)
- Suddenly Your Body Isn’t Your Body Anymore: An Investigation into Abortion in Germany(突然间,你的身体不再是你的身体了:对德国堕胎的调查) (CORRECTIV,德语)
- Women’s Health at Work: A Deterioration(不断恶化的职场女性健康) (Disclose,法语)
- The Abortion Pill Reversal Project(堕胎药逆转计划) (openDemocracy)
- Sexual Abuse: 8 Women Accuse Far-Right Candidate Eric Zemmour(性虐待:8名女性指控极右翼候选人Eric Zemmour) (Mediapart,法语)
- Eavesdropping in Maine Jails(缅因州监狱中的窃听) (The Maine Monitor)
- How Kashmir’s Half-widows are Denied Their Basic Property Rights(克什米尔的“半寡妇”如何被剥夺了基本的财产权) (Scroll.in)
- Kenya’s Hidden Epidemic(肯尼亚的隐性流行病).当新冠疫情席卷基于性别的暴力案件爆炸性增长 (BBC Africa Eye)
- Investigating the Killing of Elisabeth Blanche Olofio(调查 Elisabeth Blanche Olofio 被杀事件) (A Safer World For The Truth)
- The Internet Is Failing Moms-to-Be. Disinformation in Pregnancy Apps(互联网让准妈妈们失望了:孕期应用中的虚假信息) (Wired)
- Bus of Hope(希望巴士). 也门女性的故事,尽管社会结构使女性难以工作,但她们仍追随自己的梦想并坚持不懈。 (Yemen Policy Center)
- When They Warn of Rare Disorders, These Prenatal Tests Are Usually Wrong(当他们警告说有罕见的疾病时,这些产前检查通常是错误的) (纽约时报)
- Guantánamo Notebook. I Spent 20 Years Covering America’s Secretive Detention Regime. Torture Was Always the Subtext(关塔那摩笔记本:我花了20年时间报道美国的秘密拘留制度,酷刑始终是潜台词) (by Margot Williams for The Intercept)
- ‘I am a Leader of My House.’ An Illustrated Story of Women’s Daily Lives in the Rohingya Refugee Camps(我是我家的领袖:关于罗兴亚难民营中妇女日常生活的插图故事) (The New Humanitarian)
- Another Venezuelan Plight: Sex Trafficking in Guyana(另一个委内瑞拉困境:圭亚那的性贩运) (Connectas)
- The Lost Girls of Covid(迷失于新冠的女孩) (Bloomberg)
- ‘Those Dollars and Cents Add Up’: Full-time Trans Workers Face a Wage Gap, Poll Finds(民调显示,全职跨性别工人面临工资差距) (The 19th)
- The Women’s Collective Fighting Legally Against Extrajudicial Executions of Their Sons (女性集体反对法外处决她们的儿子, 西班牙语,openDemocracy)
- Why Minorities are Abandoning India’s Trailblazing Queer Forums (为什么性小众放弃了印度的开拓性同性恋论坛?) (Rest of World)
- Violence Against Women in Latin America (拉丁美洲对女性的暴力) (西班牙语, Connectas 组织的跨境调查)
- Female Bodybuilders Describe Widespread Sexual Exploitation (女性健美运动员遭受的广泛的性剥削) (华盛顿邮报)
- Chinese Families Navigate a Maze of Laws and COVID Rules to Have Babies in the US (穿越法律和防疫政策的迷宫,中国家庭赴美产子) (NPR)
- Five Years of #metoo in Infographics: A Hashtag, a Global Voice with Twists and Turns (#metoo 五周年:一个标签,一个被曲解的全球之声) (法语, Le Monde)
- The Map of Cesarean Sections in Spain: The Hospitals that Abuse Surgical Deliveries (西班牙剖腹产地图:滥用手术分娩的医院) (西班牙语, Eldiario.es)
- Punches, Kicks, Psychological Terror: Several Women Make Allegations Against Well-Known Footballers (物理暴力和心理控制:数名女性对知名足球运动员提出指控) (德语, SZ)
- Alleged Sex Abuse by Aid Workers Unchecked for Years in UN-run South Sudan Camp (在联合国管理的南苏丹难民营中,救援人员被指控性虐待的行为多年来一直没有得到解决) (The New Humanitarian/Al Jazeera)
- What Video Footage Reveals About the Protests in Iran (视频中的伊朗抗议) (NYTimes)
- Japan’s Female Bosses Mapping a Course for Other Women (日本的女老板位其他女性找到了道路) (BBC)
- Many English Maternity Units Not Meeting Safety Standards (许多英国产科单位不符合安全标准) (BBC)
- The Long Campaign to Turn Birth Control Into the New Abortion (漫长的运动:将生育控制变成新式堕胎) (Reveal)
- DRC: Rampant Violence Decimates Women’s Health Care (刚果民主共和国:猖獗的暴力削弱了女性的保健服务) (Global Press Journal)
- The Effect of the Pro-Gun Agenda on the Lives of Brazilian Women (支持枪支议程对巴西女性生活的影响) (葡萄牙语, Marie Claire)
- “Our Main Demand Is Not to Get Killed”: Mexican Women Find Safety in Location-Tracking Facebook Groups (“我们的主要诉求是不要被杀”,墨西哥女性在定位追踪的Facebook群组中寻找安全感) (Rest of the World)
- Femicides in Tibú, Colombia: Cocaine, Gunmen, and a Never-Ending War (哥伦比亚提布的女性杀戮:可卡因、枪手和一场无休止的战争) (Insight Crime)
- In China, Millions of Women Never Learned to Read. Can TikTok Help? (在中国,数以百万计的妇女从未学习过阅读,抖音能帮忙吗?) (Sixth Tone)
- In a Gender World Cup, Latin American Countries will not Reach the Rinal, Why? (在性别世界杯上,拉丁美洲国家将无法进入决赛,为什么?) (La Data Cuenta)
- The Enduring Sexism of India’s Tech Industry (印度科技业持久的性别歧视) (Rest of the World)
- Google Search Skews Abortion Results (谷歌搜索使堕胎的结果出现偏差) (Bloomberg)
- MGNREGA: The Last and Often the Only Resort for Indian Women (MGNREGA:印度妇女的最后也是唯一的选择) (IndiaSpend)
- Being LGBTQI+ in Wartime (在战争时期成为LGBTQI+的一员) (several outlets)
- Socialite, Widow, Jeweller, Spy: How a GRU Agent Charmed Her Way Into NATO Circles in Italy (社会名流、寡妇、珠宝商、间谍:一个GRU特工如何在意大利的北约圈子里如鱼得水) (Bellingcat)
- The Afghan Women Left Behind (留守的阿富汗女性) (The New Yorker)
- Hijabs not Welcome: Undercover Filming in Egypt Reveals Discrimination against Hijabi Women (不欢迎戴面纱的人:埃及的秘密拍摄揭示了对戴面纱女性的歧视) (BBC Arabic).
- When ‘Bandi’ Is Both a Game and Life: The Children of India’s Women Prisoners (当“bandi”既是游戏又是生活。印度女囚的孩子们) (Pulitzer Center/The Wire)
- Pregnant Girls in Panama (巴拿马的怀孕女孩) (Con Las Manos en la Data/TVN/CONNECTAS in Spanish).
- Top Ghanaian Doctors Use Misinformation to Train Nurses in ‘Conversion Therapy’ (加纳顶级医生利用错误信息对护士进行“转换疗法”培训) (openDemocracy)
- The Women Who Wish they Weren’t Mothers: ‘An Unwanted Pregnancy Lasts a Lifetime’ (那些希望自己不是母亲的女人:“意外怀孕会影响你的一生”。) (卫报)
- Seven Years of Sex Abuse: How Mormon Officials Let it Happen (长达七年的性虐待:摩门神职人员是如何让它发生的) (AP)
- Bukele’s Government Raging Against Women Journalists in El Salvador (布克尔政府对萨尔瓦多的女记者大加挞伐) (El Faro, 西班牙语)
- Romania, “Breeding Ground” of Sexual Slaves for Europe (罗马尼亚,为欧洲提供性奴的“温床”) (Le Courrier des Balkans)
- This Is the Data Facebook Gave Police to Prosecute a Teenager for Abortion (这就是 Facebook 提供给警方的数据,用于起诉一名堕胎的青少年) (Motherboard)
- The Disinformation Campaign Behind a Top Pregnancy Website (顶级怀孕网站背后的虚假宣传) (Reveal)
- An Undercover Investigation into the Taliban’s Crackdown on Women in Afghanistan (对塔利班在阿富汗镇压女性的秘密调查) (Frontline)
- A Year under the Taliban: How Afghan Women are Fighting for Lost Rights (塔利班统治下的一年:阿富汗女性如何为失去的权利而战) (The Fuller Project)
- Uganda: When Accusations of Witchcraft Result in Vigilante Killings (乌干达:当对巫术的指控导致私刑) (Global Press Journal)
- These Period Tracker Apps Say They Put Privacy First. Here’s What We Found (这些月经追踪软件说他们把隐私放在第一位,但以下是我们发现的情况) (Consumer Reports)
- Facebook and Anti-Abortion Clinics Are Collecting Highly Sensitive Info on Would-Be Patients ( Facebook 和反堕胎诊所正在收集潜在病人的高度敏感信息) (Reveal)
- Sexual Violence: New Charges Target Minister (性暴力:针对部长的新指控) (法语, Mediapart)
- Femicides: More Aggressors Kill their Partners with a Firearm than by Other Lethal Means (女性杀戮:越来越多的攻击者用枪支杀死他们的伴侣) (西班牙, CPI)
- Murder, Rape, and Abuse in Asia’s Factories: The True Price of Fast Fashion (亚洲工厂中的谋杀、强奸和虐待:快速时尚的真实代价) (The Guardian)
- Banished. Menstrual Huts are Illegal but Persist in Western Nepal (放逐:尼泊尔西部的月经屋是非法的,但仍然存在。) (Global Press)
- PPDA, the Fall of an Untouchable (PPDA,一个贱民的陨落) (Complément d’enquête, in French)
- The Baby Broker Project: Inside the World’s Leading Low-Cost Surrogacy Agency (婴儿经纪人项目:世界领先的低成本代孕机构内幕) (Finance Uncovered)
- 50.50 是 openDemocracy’s 新闻编辑室以女权调查新闻和前线报道为特色的栏目。主题包括 #TrackingtheBacklash 和LGBTIQ权利的冲击,以及挑战媒体中将女性和性小众群体边缘化的现象。
- Women Rule by Politico. 在幕后与那些重塑政治、政策和权力的女性进行交流。
- 华盛顿邮报的 性别与身份 栏目将其关于女性的报道转移到了网站 the Lily. 性别与身份栏目将报道“从堕胎辩论的最新情况到关于LGBTQ文化的报道以及关于新冠疫情对女性影响的报道”。